Sound Designer | Field Recordist | Mentor | Multi Media Entrepreneur
What is SoundBits and who else is in the team?
Well, that’s me Saro Sahihi, that guy in the mirror and a worldwide network of wonderful, professional partners, distributors and friends.

I’m not 100% sure about the actual date of birth of SoundBits. It must have been somewhen around the year 2011, though working in the audio-field started out several years before.
There never was a longterm plan or targeted destination – only a feeling, too strong to resist. So, I had to follow and submissively obey to the feelings’ – sometimes weird – orders.
You don’t want that feeling to get mad, so I kept it satisfied. Even if it meant to jump in at the deep end most of the time.
In hindsight that feeling was a magnificent guide, a golden thread throughout my career…. Meanwhile we’re good friends.
Anyway, SoundBits and I, we stand on 3 main pillars.
#1 is all about recording, editing and designing high quality Sound Effects Libraries for whatever opportunity or idea pops up.
These libraries are then sold in the SoundBits | Shop and spread all over the world through my strong partners and distributors,
such as Pro Sound Effects, A Sound Effect, Sonniss, Unreal Marketplace and many more.

#2 – almost equal – comes my work as a Sound Designer, -Editor and Mixing Engineer, covering most of the Audio-Postproduction areas.
Music Production is a steadily growing part as well.
C# But it’s not only everything audio, it’s more like everything multimedia.
Emerged from the fact, that running a one-man business including a Webshop with all the necessary promotion, website and product design, demands for casting my net wide across many different fields.
This kept feeding the part of me that has always been keenly curious and intrigued by almost every aspect of 2D/3D design and animation.
About three years ago I decided to dive deeper into the waters of learning After Effects, Premiere and Blender as well as all the accompanying theoretical stuff, to one day reach the vibrant utopia of full pipeline media production.
Well, that’s pretty much it.
Thank you for your time!

If you are interested as well, to do a review on any SoundBits | Sound Effects Library on your Blog,
YouTube Channel or any other platform, just send a message via the
Contact Form. Please include a short info about yourself, your channel
and its monthly-average of viewers / readers as well as how many subscribers / followers you have.